Participatory urban design and benefits

Participatory design makes our cities better.

“Two heads are better than one”, as the proverb goes. Participatory design not only empowers communities, it also incorporates diverse insights through collaborative processes and makes your projects better. Learn more on this page why and how Metvibee can help you with better participatory design and projects!

Why participatory urban design?

Urban development projects often fail to consider the perspectives and insights of the people who use them. As a result, we often build cities and neighborhoods that don’t work for residents and businesses in local communities. We uncannily create unsustainable and unequal cities that don’t benefit our society, environment and economy. We need to do better than “we don’t know if it works until we build it”.

When we involve citizens and stakeholders in the design process, we build vibrant neighborhoods that benefit everyone.

Metvibee helps property developers and municipalities design projects that work for key stakeholders. With our interactive Augmented Reality platform, you can easily invite stakeholders and end users in your project to design together and obtain critical insights.

Participatory design is also crucial in creating fair and just cities for everyone. By designing together with project stakeholders, you ensure spaces and resources are designed for diverse individuals and communities. A fair and equitable urban design means better life satisfaction, better social cohesion, and a more resilient economy.

By allowing key stakeholders to actively participate in the design process, Metvibee helps you build better, vibrant and sustainable cities that attracts people and wealth. Through our visual collaborative design process, you can save social and economic costs arising from a failed design.

Arnsteins ladder of participation

Degrees of participation

Sherry Arnstein proposed the ladder of public participation in 1969. As the end users of urban development projects, citizen and stakeholder participation means better designs for your project, and less waste of money arising from design failures.

How you can benefit from Metvibee

Property developer

Involve your project stakeholders and potential customers in the design of your project. Understand what they want in your project and how they use the spaces. Create vibrant more sustainable urban projects with diverse stakeholders and perspectives.


Invite diverse stakeholders in your urban planning and design projects. Create a more equitable and sustainable city with collaborative AR design at scale.

Architect/urban design consultancy

Provide more value to your clients through visual collaborative urban design. Make your communication work easier with other project partners, users, and customers. Make your projects more relevant and valuable to your clients and to society, and to the environment.

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